Boys Over Flowers : Korean Drama : English Subtitle

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Boys Over Flowers  Korean Drama


Kim Hyun JoongLee Min HoKim BumKu Hye SunKim JoonKim So-eun


Boys over flowers is a mega hit in Korea then became a worldwide household name in the whole Asia in 2009. The storyline was based on a japanese manga comics about a poor girl going into an elite school and meeting the elite snobbish group of four guys called the F4. Because of her integrity she managed to befriend the F4 and started to hang out with them. The leader of the F4 started to like her and soon enough they became a couple. This box set will explain how Jandi befriends the snobbish F4 and how she manages to fall in love with Jihoo, another member of F4, while Junpyo became in love with her. This exciting love triangle will test both jihoo and junpyo of their skills to win Jandi's heart. Who will she pick in the end? Jihoo or Junpyo? Who does jandi really love? Is it jihoo or junpyo... And who will steal your heart?

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