A Frozen Flower : Korean Movie : Chinese Subtitle

A Frozen Flower  Korean Movie, Chinese Subtitle
Chinese title: 霜花店:朕的男人


Jo In-sung as Hong Lim
Ju Jin-mo as King
Song Ji-hyo as Queen
Shim Ji-ho as Seung-gi
Im Joo Hwan as Han Baek


A Frozen Flower is based on a true story from the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) Korea,and takes its title from a song of that era which described the sexual relationships between men and women.
The king of Goryeo Dynasty Korea attempts to shake off the dominance of Yuan Dynasty China and establish an autonomous state. He forms a palace guard composed of thirty six young soldiers, led by military commander Hong-rim. But the king faces betrayal when Hong-rim falls in love with both him and his rival, the Yuan Dynasty queen.

高麗末期,受到元朝政治上的打壓,還有來路不明的刺客們威脅君王的性命。高麗王(朱鎮­模 飾)與親衛隊長洪麟(趙寅成 飾)從小一起長大,洪麟總是誓死保護著王,兩人建立了同床共枕、比親兄弟還深厚的情誼­。但他們卻不明白,這份感情,原來已悄悄超出了友誼的界線。對於高麗王的任何要求,洪­麟總是看得比自己性命還重要,沒想到這一次,為得到一個繼承皇位的子嗣,無法與女人結­合的高麗王,竟然要求洪麟代替自己與王后(宋智孝 飾)燕好。忠義兩難的洪麟、身不由己的王后,以及妒火中燒的高麗王,慾望與權力緊緊交­纏。從那一夜起,命運從此扭轉,複雜難解的三角習題,眼看就要引爆。

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